by Pastor Dave Sutter


Almost all of the local schools are out. The weather is warmer. The pools are open. When I was growing up, like most kids, I looked forward to the summer. I could ride my bike to play basketball with my friends, participate in the summer reading program at the library, go to church camp for a week, and play summer baseball. Once a week I got to mow. And sometimes, on one special day in the summer, we’d get to go Wrigley Field to see the Cubs. With each of these came new adventure: new sights, relationships, and experiences. Summer is a great time for adventure.    


This year, ten KRMC youth and four sponsors are heading to Harlan, KY to be a part of SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People).  Notice that it isn’t “Service” With Appalachian People.  Mennonite Central Committee, the sponsors of the program, emphasizes this.  Groups like ours aren’t to swoop in to “do service” but rather “share” with people in their homes, in their territory.  For us, it will be an adventure in being vulnerable, hearing people’s stories on their turf, listening and learning and sharing.  Of course, part of the adventure, too, will be in being together as a group, traveling to and from KY together, getting to know each other for a week in a way we haven’t before.       


But there are lots of other opportunities for adventure this summer, too, happening in and around  Kern Road: opportunities for new sights, relationships and experiences.  Be sure to read all of Kernels, including the ministry updates, to find out what’s been and will be happening at Kern Road.  And don’t forget to check out the weekly KRMC Reminders and announcement sheets, too, so you keep up with people and happenings. 


Our summer worship will invite us to reflect on the fruit of the Spirit that is born in our lives when we are empowered by and live attentively to the Spirit of Christ.  Come to worship God and to seek to listen for and live in the Spirit of Christ. During the second hour each Sunday, there will be opportunities for creativity, service, food, music, play, fellowship, and celebration. The Formation Team is planning intergenerational adventure times each week with the theme “Connecting to God through…”   


Also in Kernels, note the new attenders connecting with our congregation, and introduce yourself.  These are new relationships ripe for adventure and worthwhile experiences. New people bring diverse gifts and personalities, traditions, and backgrounds that enliven the body of Christ. If we missed including you, and you’ve been with us awhile, please let us know.  We’d like to highlight you and your household in the next issue.


Sometime during the summer a new church yard sign and exterior dove will be installed.  A new sign has been talked about as a need for over ten years, maybe fifteen. This one will have a digital component.  It will take some getting used to and some experimentation. Our hope is to use it in a way that fits who we are as a faith community. Beyond these events, there will be opportunities for fellowship and learning whenever we meet in each other’s homes, in parks, on the trails, and in the fellowship hall and parking lot sharing summer adventures together. 


May God be with us this summer as we play, learn, worship, fellowship, and serve.