The congregation gathers each Sunday for worship and for community. Worship is biblically based and celebrates a Biblical scripture, a theme of discipleship, or a church season. Though worship services often follow a similar, simple pattern, using the gifts of different people, a variety of music and leadership styles are represented. Since our services vary according to who is leading and preaching, we always encourage new attenders to visit several times before deciding if KRMC is the right place for them. A congregational sharing and prayer time is also often an important component of our worship.
In worship we:

- praise God through music, art, words, movements, and actions
- open ourselves to hear God's voice through scripture, the Holy Spirit and one another;
- offer opportunities for introspection and confession,
- experience the assurance of forgiveness and God's grace;
- celebrate God’s love for all revealed through the life and teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ;
- share our gifts and participate in community,
- respond to God by offering our stories, lives and resources as we seek to live into God's dream
Who is welcome?
No matter who you are or what your faith background is, you are invited to join fully in our time of worship and in all areas of church life. KRMC welcomes everyone (Extending Hospitality to All Affirmation); people of any race, ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, economic status or faith tradition to participate fully in congregational life and to strive with us to further the work of Christ in our church and community. We invite you to join us as we seek to embrace the love of God and to learn to know Jesus better, to deepen your relationship to God; through self-examination, biblical exploration, prayer and community involvement. All are invited to share their gifts in any and all areas of church life. Everyone is welcome.
What should I wear?
We hear this question often. It's rare to see the plain dress of the Amish or other Mennonite groups at KRMC that you may have seen on TV or in photographs of Mennonites. Dress is generally casual. Some women wear skirts or dresses and occasionally men wear ties, but almost always you will see some jeans and T-shirts, too. You might even see shorts and sandels...mostly in summer, but sometimes even in winter! If you think business casual on your first Sunday, you will be fine and will likely fit right in.
Do I have to sing or know how to sing?

No. Many people in the congregation don't. But our congregation does probably sing more and perhaps better than most. Many of us enjoy singing and aren't hesitant to lend our voices. Many also enjoy just listening and learning. Most services include at least one, if not more hymns, sometimes in four parts. We also sing choruses and songs in various languages. We often use piano and other instruments. Music styles can include jazz, gospel, spirituals, international songs or music from the Taizé community. We try to include songs the children enjoy, too. But no, you don't have to sing or know how to sing.
What about communion?
We generally offer communion once a month or every six weeks. All who have publicly proclaimed their desire to follow Jesus are invited to receive the bread and cup, regardless of your faith background or tradition. Instructions for receiving communion are given before every offering to try to reduce confusion. A gluten-free option is almost always available. Anyone, including children, who have not yet made a public commitment to Christ through baptism are invited to receive a blessing. If you prefer to be served at your seat, raise your hand. One of the leaders will bring communion to you.
What about an offering?
As a visitor, there is no expectation for you to contribute to an offering. Of course, everyone who wants to give out of their response to God’s grace in their lives is invited to generously do so. Since the pandemic, we have not passed an offering plate in worship. Instead, if you wish, there is a wooden box near the entrance. You may place an offering there and Electronic giving is also an option.
Are children welcome?

Absolutely. We love to have children of all ages in worship. We also know some parents might be able to worship better themselves if they aren't tending their youngest children. So, most Sundays we offer a nursery for children under the age of three. Children ages 4-2nd grade, during certain seasons of the year, are dismissed early in the service to participate in Young Children in Worship. Just watch for the shepherd banner and encourage your child to follow the leader to the Chapel. This formtion experience introduces children to worship in a special setting meaningful to them.