All staff and children's workers are required to comply with congregational abuse prevention training, including annual review of abuse prevention information and expectations, periodic background checks and completion of confidential forms for the church files.
Children are an important part of our church! We strive to involve them, provide for them, learn from them, and integrate them into all of our activities.
Children’s Formation (Sunday School)
Children meet with their teachers following worship each Sunday from late August to early June. We use a curriculum called Shine, Living in God's Light which emphasizes following Christ's teachings and actions daily in life; offering God's love and grace, inviting connection with God, and living as a peacemaker, global citizen, and steward of God's creation. https://shinecurriculum.com/. If you and your child(ren) visit, look in the weekly worship bulletin or check at the Welcome Counter and they will direct you to the appropriate location(s).
Young Children in Worship
Children ages 4 through 2nd grade are invited to participate in Young Children in Worship during part of the 10:00 a.m. worship hour during selected seasons of the year. This is not a traditional children's church, but a Montessori-based, hands-on time for children to hear Bible stories and worship God in their own way, and to begin to learn the components of worship for more active participation as they grow older. When Young Children in Worship is not in session, children attend adult worship with children's stories, songs, bulletins, etc. Welcome bags are provided for children in the foyer each Sunday to pick up before they enter the sanctuary.
GAP (Games, Activities and Praise) Time
Children need to move and exercise their bodies and their voices. Near the close of every worship service September-June, during the announcement time, children ages 4-5th grade are invited to the Chapel for GAP time to be active for 10-15 minutes in between worship and the regular formation time.
Other events and activities
Children's Ministries plans other events for children and families throughout the church year; picnics, berry picking, service projects, hay rides, hikes and retreats to encourage children and their families to learn to know one another and recreate together.