KRMC affirms learning, loving and living into God's dream for all ages. We seek to support individuals from birth to death to connect with God through a variety of relationships and experiences, to walk and grow in faith and to be mentors in faith to others. Where possible we encourage learning and interaction intergenerationally. If parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles are stretched and growing in faith, they will mentor those around them. The best children's and youth formation happens when meaningful and challenging adult formation experiences are available. Our children, youth and community pages name opportunities for different life phases and intergenerational connections.
Adult Formation Hour

Each Sunday from September until mid-June, ususally from 11:10-noon, all adults are invited to participate in settings where conversation and reflection on life and faith issues can lead to experiencing God in ways that might lead to new attitudes or practices that make a difference. Class sizes range from a few (3-5) to as many as 25.
Sometimes these groups are age-based – young adults, seniors, etc. More often they are interest based. Participants from across different backgrounds, world perspectives and generations engage and learn from one another. Scripture, life story, podcasts, books, and videos are resources for individuals seeking to be formed/reformed for living in faith.
KRMC Library

The congregation has a lending library for all ages located near the main parking lot entrance (north side). Books may be checked out by children for use during morning worship and by anyone to take home. If you want to learn more about Anabaptist/Mennonite theology and practice, our collection is among the best in the region. New acquisitions arrive all the time to address current topics or stories from an Anabaptist Christian perspective.