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Why does a church in South Bend, Indiana make and sell Kenyan samosas every year, anyways?

Kenyan Samosa sales were started about 5-6 years ago by the our Global Partnership Forum group with support from the Service Committee at the time as a way to affirm the talents and gifts of the Kenyan families in the church.  The Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale had started an International Foods tent, and we thought Kenyan Samosas should be represented. 

Since that time, the Kenyan women in our church have cooked, taught, and helped orchestrate the creation of authentic samosas, both meat and veggie-filled, to be deep fat-fried and sold at the annual Relief Sale. This year our junior high and senior high groups and their parents had a samosa-making party one Sunday evening and made over 300 samosas in a couple of hours!

All the funds collected goes to Mennonite Central Committee world relief and development. The church makes no money for itself on these and often much of the ingredients and certainly the labor is donated by KRMCers. This year's sale brought in $5468 for MCC. 

Here are a few pictures from our booth this year:


We are a church in Indiana that makes and sells Kenyan samosas because we are part of a global body of believers that loves and respects all cultures, countries, and traditions... especially delicious traditions like samosas!